Growth Navigator
ICA Growth Track & Classes
Want to be plugged in at ICA?
Sign up for classes happening twice a month on the 4th Floor Youth Room during the 9:00 am service.
What is the Growth Navigator? The Growth Navigator is a guide to life following Christ and how we apply those principles at ICA Bangkok. It will cover steps to have a relationship with God, discover the strengths of your intentional design, and use your God-given gifts in the lives of others.
Keep an eye out for our next Growth Navigator Classes!
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM on the 4th Floor in the Youth Room
In this class you will cover:
What is an Influencer? Influencers are our volunteer teams. The steps to be an influencer are:
Complete the Growth Track journey
Practice being Faithful and Fruitful
Undergo Training / orientation
What are the learning outcomes of the Growth Navigator?
Prayer, Bible, Worship, Salvation, Baptism, and Fasting
ICA’s Core Values and Vision - which you can read more about here